Friday, 20 February 2015

Save enegy, Save Future

We can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser energy choices.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
Energy has always been a vital source in the development of any nation. The prosperity of a nation is measured in terms of per capita energy consumption. Energy conservation is to measure and monitor industrial energy consumption and to pin point the sources of wastage in the present energy scenario and the era of industrialisation. Energy utilisation in the world is aggravating by leaps and bounds and with speeding urbanisation and industrialisation, the need of the hour is to formulate practical steps for sustainable means of energy conservation. With this very aim in our mind, we carried out this project in order to explore the topic “energy” and its relevance in today’s society. Focussing on this very aim, we planned our project in various stages. First of all, to understand various energy consumption issues, we planned to carry out surveys, in order to collect substantial data for understanding the energy utilisation ways and problems being faced in energy conservation by people of urban and rural areas. Results revealed that (Incorporate the results of survey I). A similar survey was conducted in Village Jhande and the results revealed (Discuss pie charts of Survey II). After formulating the energy conservation issues from our data analysis, we acquainted the masses with various energy saving techniques through the pamphlets designed by us. Next comes the question how can we reduce energy wastage? We tackled this problem by figuring out alternate sources of energy that minimise wastage. The first alternative we came out with was Biodiesel- an eco- friendly fuel leaving no residue and that can be easily prepared at home.(discuss the method of preparation of biodiesel). Our next attempt towards energy conservation was designing of a fuel cell in our school laboratory. (Discuss its designing in brief). Although we were successful in generating electricity through this fuel cell, but we still need to work upon its large scale usage. In an endeavour to conserve energy, our next attempt was to prepare briquettes using kitchen waste, weeds from the field and our gardens. These briquettes are a good substitute of the pathis made by the people in villages from cow dung and this cow dung in turn can be used to prepare fuel cell. So, we first made these briquettes in our school laboratory and then we conducted workshops in Jhande village to teach the villagers how to prepare these briquettes. The response was overwhelming, as the villagers not only participated actively in the workshop, but some of them even attempted to make briquettes at home. Overall our project proved to be a huge success and gave us a chance to learn a lot about energy conservation methods. We intend to continue working towards our endeavour for energy conservation and hence we intend to include more people in our quest to conserve energy. We plan to take our project to a more commercial level by inducing our efforts to include hospitals and hotels are a part of our project. In hotels we will teach the staff, how to prepare biodiesel from used oil. We also plan to conduct a workshop in various schools to make students aware about the energy conservation methods. We plan to teach them how to prepare biodiesel, fuel cell and briquettes. With all the efforts of our team, we intend to conserve energy for our future generations.

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