Friday, 20 February 2015

Sustainability-Need of the Hour

We can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser energy choices.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein
Energy has always been a vital source in the development of any nation. The prosperity of a nation is measured in terms of per capita energy consumption. Energy conservation is to measure and monitor industrial energy consumption and to pin point the sources of wastage in the present energy scenario and the era of industrialisation. Energy utilisation in the world is aggravating by leaps and bounds and with speeding urbanisation and industrialisation, the need of the hour is to formulate practical steps for sustainable means of energy conservation. With this aim in mind, this project highlights the effort that has been made to formulate a device that can be used for sustainable conservation of energy.
We all are well aware that now days the biggest threat to our environment is the increasing global warming and this is due to our interventions. We, the human beings-the well evolved members of Kingdom Animalia, have always been very selfish about our own comfort and we can go to any extent to make our life comfortable. So much so, that we have started playing with the natural resources and our interventions have caused a lot of harm to our mother Earth.
Keeping in view the severity of the present scenario, we at Sat Paul Mittal School have tried to design an eco-friendly and cost efficient devices- The Energy Efficient Air Conditioning System and A Low Cost Dehumidifier.

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